Settling In!

Hey y’all!

Sorry it seems like I disappeared… again. We have been flat out since our stuff arrived on Tuesday (and our house is nowhere near put together still!) We’re all settling in pretty well though, and getting adjusted to life on a military installation!

Living in this part of the country is so much different than anywhere that I’ve lived before, and I’m trying to embrace as much of it as I can. Our newest edition, Sadie, is embracing the pesky red clay well enough for the whole family though…



Lovely, isn’t she?

Speaking of Sadie, a little background (because I mean, who DOESN’T move 900 miles away and purchase a horse while they are staying in PA for the night? Right? RIGHT?! Totally normal). Sadie or Happyhappyhappy (Duck Dynasty ref, btw) is a 5 year old Thoroughbred mare that I bought off the track in PA. My friend Ashley made the connection for me, and so far we’ve been pretty happy with the new ‘kid’. She’s about 16.1 (I haven’t taped her… so a rough guess) and had a little bit of a hard time adjusting, but once we got her hind shoes pulled and put her out with Willow and Willow’s new friend Taffy, she was totally chill. She’s a smart girl, and I’m hoping she will fit into our family! Mike is in love with her, so… ya know. šŸ˜‰



Word on COTH is that I have a type… I have no clue what they are talking about… šŸ™‚

Willow is totally at home in her new place. She had no trouble settling in whatsoever. She did lose a little bit of weight on the trailer ride down (more on that later), I expected it and we’re working to plump her back up. Hopefully I can unearth the other half of my tack soon, so that she can actually go to work! I think she MUCH prefers hanging out in her pasture with her friends, but alas…



As for the non-equine portion of our family, everybody is doing well! I had a lot of expectations about what it would be like living on a military post, but in reality it’s nothing like you see on TV. We are loving it though, and have even had our fair share of wildlife in Paul the Possum who set up camp in our backyard, the deer that are MUCH braver than in VT, and the hoards of rabbits that live…everywhere. I don’t mind though! At least there are no bears (that I know of).

Shannon is doing really well. She’s over her cold and loving the open concept of our new house. She can frolic and destroy from one end to the other at will (which makes unpacking a bit of a challenge). We have a playground just a few blocks up and even had our first coffee date today! (Thanks, Michelle!) We also have a water park that is fairly close, that I’m hoping will have some toddler appropriateĀ activitiesĀ to do with her this summer. Louisville also has a zoo and several aquariums that I’m excited to take her to once the weather gets a little bit nicer. Shannon is also totally digging the fact that we have a backyard, front yard, and pinwheels on either side of our front walk. Girl loves her pinwheels! She also has a blast at the commissary and PX, but I think she gets confused by all the men and women in uniform. She points to them all and proclaims, “Da!”


All in all, we’re loving it down here, despite all the changes that we’ve gone through. Everybody is adjusting better than I could have thought! Even the dogs are doing well. They are enjoying being dogs and romping around the back yard, wrestling, digging holes, andĀ harassing Paul the Possum.





We have a few more days before Mike actually has to go back to work (hopefully he remembers how to put on his uniform…) and we’re planning on using them to get the house unpacked and do a bunch more exploring!

Hope that you all have a great weekend!

One thought on “Settling In!

  1. Hi Cate,
    Thought you forgot about Gram and Gramp but then I knew you were busy people. Love your tales of the trip, upacking and your new girls. It sounds like you are finally happy with your life. Mike is such a big help and our little Shannon is perfect.

    We had a good week with Lainey and PJ. They got to see a lot of this area and loved the beach (who doesn’t). Anyway it went much too fast and they left about 5:30 last nigh to get back to school by about noon today. haven’t heard from them but assume they sould be home in a few hours.

    Gramp and I only have three more weeks and we head home, of course, after the Masters which we will be at on the 8 th of April. After that will head home and should be home by the 11th of April.

    Miss you guys and hope you are happy but lets hear from the Jones once in a while.

    Love you all

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